Spring Photo

March 19, 2009


I dug up one of my favorite spring thunderstorm photos. Figured this would be a more appropriate representation of the pending Equinox. One of my favorite element of this photograph is how I took it. I was the passenger in a vehicle and snap this photo while driving at a decent speed. It looks so peaceful, still and calm. It looks like I was standing with a tripod, not on route somewhere. Truly the "calm before the storm". Enjoy the photo.

International Space Station and Space Shuttle


Last night I went to view another IIS docked with the Space Shuttle view as it passed over my region. It was partly cloudy so I left the binoculars behind and dragged some audio equipment with me.

I tuned to 145.8000 and started listening. Before I was able to see them passing I heard communication. It was very cool and the first time I heard something broadcasting from space. It made me think of how people likely felt with the first pass overs of sputnik.

The audio was mostly different people quickly stating what I suspect was Ham Radio call signs followed by their location. Almost all of the locations were 'California'. It also reminded me of listening to shortwave and picking up a faint signal. It was very interesting.

I plan on trying to follow more fly-overs as they occur this week. I am glad to have an audio back up for when the clouds get in the way.

I enjoy paying attention to this happening over me while other people don't even think about it or pay any attention to it.

The Equinox is coming!!!

March 18, 2009


Mark your calendars!!!

March 20th, 2009 at 11:44am

I included a photograph I took last summer that should get you in the mood for spring and the warmer weather it promises.

I might be a little over optimistic this year. We have a few more snow falls into April. As they say, "April snow, brings May something....."

The one thing I am not looking forward to this year is my willow tree in my front yard that has been used as a rabbit food station over the winter. I suspect there is a slim hope of this tree making it. Rub your lucky rabbits foot for me!

Space Shuttle Docked with the International Space Station


Enjoyed a good view of a fly over of the shuttle and the international space station the other night. Will try to catch a few in a row while they are docked to each other. Wish me luck! I am going to try to observe some fly overs that are close to or just after the sunsets!