International Space Station and Space Shuttle

March 19, 2009


Last night I went to view another IIS docked with the Space Shuttle view as it passed over my region. It was partly cloudy so I left the binoculars behind and dragged some audio equipment with me.

I tuned to 145.8000 and started listening. Before I was able to see them passing I heard communication. It was very cool and the first time I heard something broadcasting from space. It made me think of how people likely felt with the first pass overs of sputnik.

The audio was mostly different people quickly stating what I suspect was Ham Radio call signs followed by their location. Almost all of the locations were 'California'. It also reminded me of listening to shortwave and picking up a faint signal. It was very interesting.

I plan on trying to follow more fly-overs as they occur this week. I am glad to have an audio back up for when the clouds get in the way.

I enjoy paying attention to this happening over me while other people don't even think about it or pay any attention to it.