Internation Year of Astronomy. My Galileo Galilei Moments

March 24, 2009


Well it is the International Year of Astronomy. I added myself today to the Face book group today to celebrate and so I can keep track of the activities that will be taking place this year locally.

My first Galileo moment of 2009 was to attend the local astronomy club's open house a few weeks back. There were two presentations that were took place. My assumption was that the presentations were going to be too high level. I was pleasantly surprised to find that I enjoyed and learned some great things from both presentations.

My second set of Galileo moments are mentioned in previous posts. I have been trying to observe objects as they pass over my region. I have done this in the past, but my recent experiences have been lots of fun.

For anyone that doesn't know what the 'Galileo Moment' is about it is described best by the website They state it as:

"A Galileo Moment is “an engaging astronomy experience” during IYA2009.

Galileo Galilei , lived between the years 1564 to 1642. He has been called the "father of modern observational astronomy"

More ISS Shuttle viewings

March 23, 2009


Checked out some more ISS and Spaceshuttle pass overs. The early evening ones last a long time and are worth viewing. I got 2 views that lasted nearly 5 minutes. The color was more towards the orange hue. I also got a few more passes with audio. One of the audio passes was pretty garbled. The second one was very clear.